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It's All About Information



This website is dedicated to sharing knowledge. For it is through shared knowledge that we learn and improve. Hopefully you will find something of interest.
Not all information sits well with all folks. But, whether you choose to believe it or not, it is still information.
This site exists to share information. It is not here to, necessarily, convince you or coerce you. If along the way you are convinced or coerced to a certain way of thinking, ok. If you disagree with anything (or everything) that is posted, that's ok too. Either way, use the information you find here to make your own decisions.

So that you may make an informed choice as to whether or not you wish to continure on this site, let me tell you a little about me. I believe in the First Ammendment. That means, while you are visiting this site, you may (most likely) be offended by something that is said. CONSIDER THAT A FAIR WARNING!!! If you are, then suck it up cupcake. As far as I am concerned, if you are offended by something I say, one of two things will happen between the time you are offended and end of your days. You will either get over it, or you won't... that's up to you and I don't give a damn. The language you find here may not always be suitable for children. If your kid says he/she/it saw something here that you don't like, too bad. I am not their parent, you are! If you don't police their internet usage, I certainly won't.

I am also a supporter of the Second Ammendment! You will see, at some point, references to guns, shooting and related topics. If you don't like that, stay out of that section of the Topics link!